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St. Chad's Catholic Primary School, Catholic Lane, Sedgley, Dudley

Event - Year 5 at the Citizenship Ceremony

1 May 2015

Some of the children from Year 5 were invited to dance for the Citizenship Ceremony which took place in Priory Hall on Friday 1st May - this was a great honour.

Children from St. Chad's danced around the Maypole to welcome the people who were becoming British Citizens. We were then invited into the hall to be guests at the ceremony, which was very interesting. Penny Fulford, Superintendent Registrar, said that the twenty people who were becoming British Citizens came from: China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Thailand, Colombia, Gambia, Iran and Ukraine. She said this was one of the most varied groups they had ever had in one ceremony.

The ceremony ended with everyone singing the National Anthem and the children waving their flags. The children had their photograph taken with the Mayor and the Deputy Lieutenant of the West Midlands before returning to school. The Mayor and the Deputy Lieutenant praised the children's behaviour, as well as the dancing!

Standing outside Priory Hall.
The children dancing in front of Priory Hall.

Dancing the Spider's Web.
Waiting for the ceremony to start.

The Mayor spoke about living in Dudley.
The children with the Mayor and the Deputy Leiutenant of the West Midlands.