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St. Chad's Catholic Primary School, Catholic Lane, Sedgley, Dudley

Event - Science Week

5 to 9 March 2018

As part of Science Week the whole school took part in a range of different investigations.

We explored fruit enzymes with staff and students from Bishop Milner. We discussed why some of the fruit would sink and then decided which we thought would sink quicker.

We discovered that the more tangy fruits dissolved the jelly quicker due to the number of enzymes they had. Other investigations across the school included ‘Escape the ice’ and ‘Making Plastic Cheese’.

Investigating fruit enzymes.
Which one is sinking?

We loved learning with the staff and students from Bishop Milner.
The acid in the vinegar and protein in the milk formed clumps when mixed together.

Year 2 made plastic cheese!
We made different shapes with our cheese.