The curriculum at St Chad’s Catholic Primary School aims to meet and exceed the requirements of the National Curriculum and reflects the values of the Catholic School Pupil Profile.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure coverage, progression and challenge to make learning irresistible for all of our pupils. The curriculum sequencing and connections between of units of learning provides pupils with continuous opportunities to revisit learning and acquire knowledge, skills and understanding to the point of clarity, automaticity and confidence.
Through our curriculum offer, we want our pupils to develop academic, spiritual, moral and social skills so they can make a positive contribution to their school, parish, community and the wider society by becoming global citizens ready to take their next steps into society. We seek to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, provide a purpose and relevance for learning and ultimately help every pupil to find their strengths and interests. Pupils at all stages of their learning, are helped to achieve their potential, recognise their strengths and identify what they need to do to improve. Pupils are challenged in their learning and encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge through varied curriculum opportunities.
We review the curriculum regularly and constantly assess the impact on outcomes for all pupils and remodel it where necessary in order to help all pupils perform well.
Our Curriculum vision is to have uncompromising aspirations for every child in our school and to provide a quality of education, which is broad, balanced, relevant and challenging for all – regardless of individual starting points. This is not only to fulfil statutory requirements but to meet the needs and interests of our pupils.
Senior leaders, together with curriculum leads and teachers ensure that our curriculum is inclusive and is adapted appropriately to meet the needs of all learners – including those with SEND.
Our school provides individual learning assistance to those who may require it, including use of our Oak Tree alternative resource provision.
If you would like further details on our curriculum then please speak to Miss Polito, Head of School and curriculum lead. Her email address is
Year Group Curriculum Overviews
Find out what we are learning in each year group:
- Year 1 Curriculum Overview
- Year 2 Curriculum Overview
- Year 3 Curriculum Overview
- Year 4 Curriculum Overview
- Year 5 Curriculum Overview
- Year 6 Curriculum Overview
End of Year Expectations
Year 1
- Reading Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Writing Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Expectations
- Mathematics Expectations inc Greater Depth
Year 2
- Reading Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Writing Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Expectations
- Mathematics Expectations inc Greater Depth
Year 3
- Reading Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Writing Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Expectations
- Spelling Expectations
- Mathematics Expectations inc Greater Depth
Year 4
- Reading Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Writing Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Expectations
- Spelling Expectations
- Mathematics Expectations inc Greater Depth
Year 5
- Reading Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Writing Expectations inc Greater Depth
- Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Expectations
- Spelling Expectations
- Mathematics Expectations inc Greater Depth