
School Uniform
The St Chad’s uniform is a smart uniform which people always comment on. The children themselves are proud to wear it.
BoysWinter Uniform:
Summer Uniform:
GirlsWinter Uniform:
Summer Uniform:
PE Kit
Black shorts (mid-thigh length), black jogging bottoms, black tracksuit bottoms or black leggings
PE Kit - T-shirt (plain white – no football tops)
- Trainers
- Black zip-up hooded jacket or black hoodie
PE kit is to be worn to school on PE days.
All pupils must have a conventional hairstyle which in its length, style and colour is acceptable to the school.
- All long hair (past the bottom of the shirt/blouse collar) must be tied back.
- Hair falling over the eyes must be clipped back during lessons.
- Short hair must be a minimum of a grade 3, with no shaved lines or patterns, or extreme partings. No highlights, colours or dyes.
Please make sure all items of uniform are clearly named.
Winter uniform can be worn when required. Summer uniform items are allowed (when weather permits) between the end of March and the end of October. It is not compulsory to switch to summer uniform and the option is provided for your child’s comfort in warmer weather.
For safety and security reasons no jewellery is to be worn at school. This includes earrings of all description. Nail varnish and make up are also not allowed.
The uniform can be purchased from:
- Crested School Wear, Unit 14 Churchill Shopping Centre, Dudley, DY2 7BJ
Tel: 01384 918330 - Wards School and Workwear, Concord Market, Unit 169a, 17 Dudley St, Sedgley, Dudley DY3 1SA
Tel: 07787 821904
Most items such as trousers, shirts, socks and cardigans can be purchased at other outlets such as supermarkets.