Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1 we enjoy our learning in Religious Education, English, Maths, Science, Computing, Physical Education, Music, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology and Relationships, Health and Sex Education. In Key Stage 1 we have a focus on the basics of reading, phonics, writing and number and we devote extra curriculum time to these important aspects of the Key Stage 1 timetable.
We normally welcome parents into our classes regularly as we hold termly ‘open lessons’ where parents are invited to join in a lesson with their child, followed by a chat and a coffee with the class teacher to ask any questions.
We also have expert music teachers come into school to teach music to the children in Years 1 and 2.
In Key Stage 1 we have members of the School Council who meet at least once a term to discuss a variety of issues and help the school’s leaders to continually improve our school. Every class in Key Stage 1 has Mission team members who help to monitor and evaluate the collective worship, Religious Education and Catholic Life of the school by completing regular audits.
All of the Key Stage 1 children normally have lots of opportunities to go on visits to interesting places linked to our curriculum.
Learning Overviews
In our Learning Overviews you will be able to see the topics that each year group will be studying during each half term (the newest are at the top of each section):