St. Chad's Catholic Primary School, Catholic Lane, Sedgley, Dudley

Years 5 and 6

Year 5

Year 5 is an exciting time in a pupil’s educational journey through Saint Chad’s. Learners will have the potential to build on aspects of the curriculum they explored in Year 4 and implement these skills to interesting new areas of the national curriculum.

Using a thematic approach, Mr Lodge (the class teacher), along with Mrs Harper or Mrs Harris (Higher Level Teaching Assistants), leads the class through a series of topics that typically combine history, geography, art and DT and are enhanced through carefully chosen focuses in our English and guided reading sessions. In year 5, computing sees progression from year 4 by building on the children’s familiarity with algorithmic thinking, allowing learners to think methodically, finding and correcting (de-bugging) when needed. Mathematics follows the well-known White Rose Hub systematic approach to developing mastery within the curriculum. Science sees new topics introduced and prior learning deepened.

In Year 4 we learnt how to play the guitar, now we continue to develop our musical skills by learning to play the violin. Our French is also improving as we learn how to speak, read and write in French.

Our faith continues to hold great value to us - we begin preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, as we will be usually confirmed in the first term in Y6. Year 5 are also privileged to represent the school at the Father Hudson’s Mass which is held each year and attended by hundreds of children from the local Catholic Schools.

Year 6

Year 6 is an exciting, motivating and important year for all pupils as we spend our final year in primary school.

Our Teacher is Mrs Dunne, and we have several Teaching Assistants who spend time working with us: Miss Clarke and Mrs Harper, Mrs Walker. They all work very hard to make sure that the children reach their full potential and achieve great things.

In Year 6, we work together to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a very special time for us as it encourages us to reflect on our faith and think about what it means to be an ambassador of Christ. Our daily prayers, hymn practices and participation at Mass enable us to learn and grow in our faith. We each choose a saint who inspires us and who we can follow as an example on how to live a life of dedication. Our faith permeates all that we do in school and we live as witnesses of our faith at all times. As part of our preparation for Confirmation we visit St. Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham.

Every morning we have English and Maths lessons. We learn lots new skills, which will develop our knowledge and understanding, building on what we learnt in Year 5. In the afternoons we study History, Geography, RE, PE, computing, Art and PSHE.

In Year 6, we have the opportunity to take part in a residential trip – which we still call 'camp' although we don't stay in tents! This was a fantastic opportunity to acquire new skills and participate in outdoor learning opportunities.

Year 6 is a vitally important year for us as we grow and become more independent. We have lots of jobs and responsibilities to help with the smooth running of the school. Our teachers have very high expectations of us and we know that we have to set a good example to the rest of the school. When we leave Year 6 we are ready to move to the next step in our education, with most of us going to Bishop Milner catholic College.

Our time at St. Chad's Catholic Primary School is celebrated at the end of the year with a Leavers Mass, a final production and a party. These provide us with fond memories which we take with us to our new school. No matter where we end up in life, we always remember the experiences, community and the life we led at our primary school.

Our Learning

Find out more about our learning:

Guides for Parents:


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